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Our RTO policies and procedures outline the strategies, protocols, and best practices that govern our approach to training and assessment. As part of our commitment to transparency, we are pleased to make our RTO policies and procedures available for download to students interested in learning more about our organisation.
RAISE Training upholds the integrity, currency, and value of certificates through rigorous assessment practices and the delivery of high-quality training.
RAISE Training is dedicated to ensuring confidence in our certificates by upholding their integrity, currency, and value. We achieve this through industry relevance and by staying current.
RAISE Training shows its dedication to building trust in the quality of certification by supporting learners to meet expectations and attain competency. This commitment boosts confidence in certificates issued.
RAISE Training demonstrates commitment to the integrity, currency, and value of issued certificates by implementing thorough and rigorous assessment practices for learners, employers, and the industry.
RAISE Training shows its dedication to ensuring trust in certification documents, including those from Skills Recognition, by transparently stating its methods for learners, employers, and industries.
RAISE Training is dedicated to ensuring confidence in our certificates by upholding their integrity, currency, and value. We achieve this through ongoing professional development for all staff.
RAISE Training maintains learner, employer, and industry confidence in certification integrity and value by following defined processes when transitioning from outdated AQF qualifications and VET courses.
RAISE Training ensures quality training and assessment despite subcontracting by using a continuous improvement strategy. They collect and analyse data from stakeholders to enhance services and improve training practices.
RAISE Training shows learners what services they'll get and what they need to do, as well as their rights and our organisation’s duties.
RAISE Training shows its commitment by giving accurate information about our services and performance to help learners and clients make informed decisions.
RAISE Training shows its dedication to building trust in the quality of certification by supporting learners to meet expectations and attain competency. This commitment boosts confidence in certificates issued.
RAISE Training is committed to the Australian privacy legislation in the way it collects, uses, secures, and discloses personal information.
Our complaints and appeals policy enables learners and clients to be informed of and understand their rights and includes a mechanism for them to be acknowledged and dealt with fairly, efficiently, and effectively.
The RAISE Training assessment policy ensures learners and trainers/assessors work together to achieve the training program aims. The following principles will be applied by RAISE Training to all assessments:
A true test, meeting the standards from the training package as well as industry requirements.
Ensuring that assessments are conducted consistently with different groups or individuals to reflect a common standard.
Adjustments are allowed, taking into account the varying situations and circumstances of learners, but maintaining a consistent standard.
Making allowances to ensure assessment is equitable and overcoming any disadvantage learners might have in relation to disabilities, language and literacy or capacity to apply what they are learning.
Our policy also includes a requirement that learners are provided with clear, concise directions for assessment and recording of results.
Learners are not guaranteed a successful completion, but we set out to work as efficiently as possible, without cutting corners or compromising the integrity of the assessment. Experience has shown that learners prefer an intensive assessment strategy, and we set out to deliver that. However, some learners do benefit from having their training hours delivered over multiple sessions, which minimises fatigue, and can make the course content easier to digest.
We do not want dissatisfied customers, we want to leave customers with a pleasant and rewarding experience. Everyone at RAISE Training sleeps well at night knowing that all our learners have been given a fair go, and have been trained and assessed to the highest standard.
RAISE Training ensures that information on Skills Recognition is made available to all clients. RAISE Training will recognise qualifications of a client and apply them to the competency being attempted with the aim of reducing the training time and the duplication of training/assessment.
An application can be made for any of the above when a learner believes that they have already attained the necessary skills and competencies elsewhere (work experience, other study etc.).
For heavy vehicle lcensing, the NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) has developed a specific training and assessment tool for individuals who already feel that they have achieved the required competency to undergo the mandatory assessment for which RAISE Training will be assessing against their prior knowledge.
This is called a Competency Test (CT) where RAISE Training will be conducting assessments only.
RAISE Training has a policy of providing refund of fees to clients who have enrolled in an Accredited Training Program or Course with RAISE Training and to safeguarding those fees as appropriate until a request and appropriate assessment has been made of their full or partial refund.
RAISE Training is committed to safeguarding the personal information entrusted to us by our clients. This privacy statement outlines the practices we follow in protecting personal information. This privacy policy applies to RAISE Training and to any person providing services on our behalf.
The Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 requires companies to comply with the National Privacy Principles (NPPs). This document describes RAISE Training Privacy Policy.
RAISE Training is committed to the new Australian privacy legislation in the way it collects, uses, secures and discloses personal information.
If you choose to register on our sites, we may ask you for information such as name, email address, age, telephone number and product information. Our sites may include optional surveys, asking for your views on various products and services. We may store the content and communications which you send and receive, and we reserve the right to monitor your communications.
We normally collect client information directly from our clients. We may collect your information from other persons with your consent or as authorized by law.
We inform our clients, before or at the time of collecting personal information, of the purposes for which we are collecting the information. The only time we don’t provide this notification is when a client volunteers information for an obvious purpose (for example, producing a credit card to pay a service fee when the information will be used only to process the payment).
How do we safeguard personal information?
We make every reasonable effort to ensure that personal information is accurate and complete.We protect personal information in a manner appropriate for the sensitivity of the information. We make every reasonable effort to prevent any loss, misuse, disclosure or modification of personal information, as well as any unauthorized access to personal information.
We use appropriate security measures when destroying personal information, including shredding paper records and permanently deleting electronic records.
RAISE Training will only use the personal information you have chosen to provide us for the purpose for which you provided it.
RAISE Training will not use it for any other purpose without your consent.
RAISE Training will only use or disclose personal information for the purpose which was either specified or reasonably apparent at the time of collection. We may also use or disclose it for any other related purpose for which you would reasonably expect it to be used. RAISE Training may also use your personal information to send marketing or promotional material to you, unless you indicate to us that you do not wish to receive it.
Should third parties be given access to personal information in such a case, RAISE Training requires that our contractors are obliged to keep that personal information confidential and not to use or disclose it for any purpose other than performing services for us or on our behalf.
If you have a question or concern about any collection, use or disclosure of personal information by RAISE Training, or about a request for access to your own personal information, please contact the RTO Manager on (02) 9896 7587.
For further information about privacy issues, see the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner's website at www.oaic.gov.au
Australian Consumer Protection laws apply to learners enroling with RAISE Training, granting them rights as a consumer. These rights include but not limited to any statutory cooling-off periods, if any apply, and the right to obtain a refund for services not provided.
RAISE Training is responsible for the quality of the training and assessment being delivered to its clients, as well as issuing the AQF certification documentation. If a learner enrolls in a training program with RAISE Training, wether being delivered through a third party or not, RAISE Training is responsible for ensuring that the learner receives the service that they are entitled to.
If a learner is disatisfied with any service being provided, they have the right to lodge a complaint or appeal.
RAISE Training will ensure, prior to enrolment, that learners are made aware of the following:
RAISE Training ensures that complaints and appeals are recorded, acknowledged and dealt with fairly, efficiently and effectively.
RAISE Training has implemented a transparent complaints and appeals policy that enables learners and clients to be informed of and understand their rights and includes a mechanism for them to be acknowledged and dealt with fairly, efficiently and effectively.
A complaint can be about any aspect of the services RAISE Training provides. This could include complaints about training delivery, assessment, skills recognition, discrimination, harassment and any other issues that may arise.
If you feel compelled to make a verbal report about the service provided, you can do so by contacting (02) 9896 7587 or you can submit a complaint via our online Complaint Form.
See our Complaints Handling Process for a full explaination of our process
An appeal is where a course participant is not satisfied with the outcome of an assessment or any issue that relates to the successful completion of a Training Program or VET Course and issue of an AQF Qualification or Statement of Attainment.
If you feel compelled to make a verbal report about an assessment outcome, you can do so by contacting (02) 9896 7587 or you can submit an appeal via our online Appeal Form.
See our Appeals Handling Process for a full explaination of our process.
RAISE Training is committed to providing opportunities to all people for advancement, regardless of their background. We support government policy initiatives and provide access to our training where we can to those who are at a disadvantage, even seeking assistance for learners from relevant agencies or government departments.
RAISE Training meets the needs of individuals and the community through the integration of access and equity guidelines, and will apply equity principles to ensure equality of opportunity without discrimination by ensuring that our selection criteria is non-discriminatory, providing fair access to training for disadvantaged people.
RAISE Training is committed to providing guidance or support to those learners who have any identified issues in relation to language, literacy or numeracy support. If English is your second language, you most definitely can still undergo training. Sydney being multicultural, requires us to cater for all applicants regardless of their grasp on the English language. The verbal delivery of the training may be conducted at a slower rate, due to the obvious language barrier. We have many years experience teaching students with English as a second language.
Should a learner require support, in a confidential interview, information can also be provided on access to appropriate support which is available. All information in relation to a learner’s LLN skills is strictly confidential.
RAISE Training does not require website users or visitors to provide Personally Identifiable Information to view the content in the website or to browse the different sections of the website. RAISE Training may collect from website users or visitors who choose to use the RAISE Training on-line booking or other programs, features or services offered by RAISE Training. Any information RAISE Training collects is collected for the primary purpose of enabling RAISE Training to provide and enhance the Services offered to our users. RAISE Training does not sell or license the information collected from its websites to third parties.
RAISE Training uses Google Analytics. Google Analytics may record mouse clicks and mouse movements. RAISE Training does not use Google Analytics to collect any personally identifiable information entered in this website. We are using the information collected by Google Analytics to measure the browsing behaviours of the users of the RAISE Training website.
You can choose to disable the Service at 'https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout'
RAISE Training will record you email address in the event that you send us a message by email, when you book training or if you subscribe to newsletters, competitions and other services through the RAISE Training website or Facebook pages. Registering for notifications may be made initially by email. Your email address will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it. We will not use or disclose your email address for any other purpose without your consent.
When you have given RAISE Training permission to receive email communication at the times mentioned above, RAISE Training may send information on training, promotions and communication pieces such as e-newsletters. RAISE Training will not sell, rent, or loan our contact lists or our customer’s contact lists (including customer data) to any outside firms unless required specifically to perform the services you have requested. The data will not be used by anyone else for any other purpose. You have the option to unsubscribe to all email communications. Unsubscribe requests are fulfilled within 24 hours of the request being received. If you wish to unsubscribe from email communications, please contact RAISE Training by phone on (02) 9896 7587 or send an e-mail to info@raisetraining.com.au.
RAISE Training take reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information it collects uses or discloses is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse or loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
Any client on written request may access the personal information RAISE Training has obtained and currently holds on them. To the extent possible, RAISE Training will let you access your personal information. However, there are times where the organisation is not in position to do so (e.g. where it would be unlawful to do so). If RAISE Training denies you access to this information, then RAISE Training will notify you of this refusal and the basis for it.
RAISE Training endeavours to ensure that personal information held is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
Where you believe that personal information held by the RAISE Training is not accurate, complete or up-to-date, then advise RAISE Training and every effort will be made to correct the information.